:: Vela Dare ::

The adventures of a would-be archaeologist at the University of Bristol.
:: welcome to Vela Dare :: IM me | email me | academic adventuring (i.e.pictures) | Bryn Mawr College | U. of Bristol | The City of Bristol ::

[Places Visited]
Bristol Cathedral
St. Mary Radcliffe Church
S.S. Great Britain
[Places To Go:]
Brussels (to see Charlotte!)
Paris (for xmas!)
London (For New Years!)
[suggest a destination!]
I feel The current mood of narg at www.imood.com
:: Bryn Mawr College [>]
:: The University of Bristol [>]
:: Uncut Pages Theater Company [>]


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:: Saturday, November 25, 2006 ::

Clifton Suspension Bridge

This time lapse footage of the bridge (located in Bristol) was listed as one of the Director videos on YouTube. Thought it would be interesting to post ;)

:: find earth and reap :: 5:37 PM :: [+] :: | ::


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