:: Vela Dare ::

The adventures of a would-be archaeologist at the University of Bristol.
:: welcome to Vela Dare :: IM me | email me | academic adventuring (i.e.pictures) | Bryn Mawr College | U. of Bristol | The City of Bristol ::

[Places Visited]
Bristol Cathedral
St. Mary Radcliffe Church
S.S. Great Britain
[Places To Go:]
Brussels (to see Charlotte!)
Paris (for xmas!)
London (For New Years!)
[suggest a destination!]
I feel The current mood of narg at www.imood.com
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:: The University of Bristol [>]
:: Uncut Pages Theater Company [>]


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:: Saturday, December 09, 2006 ::

:: It's Comin' on Christmas... ::

It's been far too long since I legitimately updated and for that I apologize. Lots of work... sort of. That is to say, big projects that I've put off because I have too much spare time. I know, I know... that sounds ridiculous but its true. Having this little class makes me *so* lazy. I just cannot seem to organize myself... even when I try... it just never seems to work out. Ironically my time will probably be a little more pressed during break (with all the travel etc.), which will probably convince me to get things done in a more reasonable fashion... at least that's what I'm hoping. The last thing I want to do is have people come visit me only to ignore them because I have work. Of course.. we all know that wouldn't happen. In that case I'd still have to show them around and play hostess (because I rather enjoy playing hostess) after which I'd probably just kill myself with work. Except I can't kill myself.... I'm directing next semester. Eep!

Aaaaanyway. Let's talk about more pleasant things than my possible academic implosion in the near future. I've started making my holiday plans. I'm going to be flying to Brussels to visit Charlotte on Dec. 21... where i'll be until I take a train from Brussels to Paris on the 24th to spend Christmas in Paris with Domonique and her friend(s?). After that I'm hopefully taking a train back to London/Bristol early on the 28th. Then I get to spend a few days craming myself full of research until New Years Eve, when I'll be heading to London to spend ring in 2007 with Georgia and Peter. Then I get to see them off earlyish the next morning and kill a bit of time in London before I pick Julie up from the airport and head back to Bristol 9 days of heavy-duty sight-seeing around England (or at least the South West).

Despite the promise of travel, I've been pretty depressed lately. I'm not terribly sure why.... probably a combination of things to be honest. I'm a girl of simply pleasures though... so I went to Boots today and spent a little more than I should have on beauty/skin care. Not only do I feel a little better, I smell great too. : )

:: find earth and reap :: 11:30 PM :: [+] :: | ::


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