:: Vela Dare ::

The adventures of a would-be archaeologist at the University of Bristol.
:: welcome to Vela Dare :: IM me | email me | academic adventuring (i.e.pictures) | Bryn Mawr College | U. of Bristol | The City of Bristol ::

[Places Visited]
Bristol Cathedral
St. Mary Radcliffe Church
S.S. Great Britain
[Places To Go:]
Brussels (to see Charlotte!)
Paris (for xmas!)
London (For New Years!)
[suggest a destination!]
I feel The current mood of narg at www.imood.com
:: Bryn Mawr College [>]
:: The University of Bristol [>]
:: Uncut Pages Theater Company [>]


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:: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ::

:: Home again, home again- jiggity jig! ::

Sorry to have temporarily dropped off the radar for a while there. I ended up extending my stay in Paris by few days and my internet access was limited to friends' computers, and anyway I was doing too many things to post much. In addition, my phone ran out of money my first day in Paris (thank you, O2 for not making it clear that it costs a biiiiiillion times more to call/text in France.) I have since topped up but I can't find my charger. David (the friend of Domonique with whom we were staying) tells me it's not in his apartment, so I'm hoping it will turn up in one of my bags, or perhaps one of Domonique's when she gets back from Greece.

Anyway, Julie is currently here, so I should probably stop updating and try to be a good hostess (though it's miserable out, so I have a feeling the evening will be spent searching (vainly) for something to watch on tv.) I shall post about my vacation in more detail when I post the pictures : )

:: find earth and reap :: 7:22 PM :: [+] :: | ::


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